Turning Your Passion Into a Career

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

I want to extend a special thank you to Emma Grace Brown for contributing to the guest blog for this week. You can contact her at emma@emmagracebrown.com or her contact form from her website emmagracebrown.com/meet-emma.

Do you feel the call to switch careers to follow your passion? CNBC cited a survey showing that 49% of respondents had a dramatic career change, and 65% of the respondents who hadn’t yet switched have considered it. Changing careers to pursue your passion can be scary, but these pointers below can help.

Dream Big

Allow yourself to daydream about your passion and how it could become your career if there were no potential barriers. A straightforward strategy is to pretend you won the lottery, so money isn’t an issue, or imagine there’s no way you can fail. What would you do? Brainstorm ways to make those dreams a reality and earn income from your passion.

Consider Ways to Make Your Passion Profitable

Think of ways you can make your passion profitable. If travel is your passion, you might find a job in the travel or hospitality industry, work as a travel agent for an established company, or create your travel agency. Starting a monetized travel blog or YouTube channel and creating online courses, ebooks, and other products about traveling is another option.

Try Job Shadowing

When you have an idea of what you want to do, search for businesses that do the same thing. Joblist suggests reaching out to see if you can do a job shadow experience with them. You will get an opportunity to test out the career or know if you want to start a similar business. 

Create a Concrete Plan

A clear career path or business plan helps provide a roadmap to success. If your passion requires a specific degree, research colleges that offer the program and determine how long it takes to earn it. To start a business, you may need a special certification or license. If landscaping is your passion, you may need a commercial pesticide applicator license.

Find Mentors

Connecting with mentors who have successfully made a similar career switch can give you expert insight. If your goal is to start your bakery, consider joining other bakery or restaurant owners. Ask them questions and soak up any knowledge you can get from them to make your journey easier.

Start a Business

Choosing the correct business structure is essential if you decide to start a business related to your passion. It affects your liability, business operation details, and how you pay taxes. For example, forming a limited liability company (LLC) provides more protection for your assets in case of bankruptcy or a lawsuit. 

Go Back to School

If you’re starting your own business and passion project, you may need to gain some new skills to ensure it’s profitable. Earning an MBA will allow you to build your knowledge in leadership, business operations, communication, and marketing. If you enroll in an online program, you’ll have the flexibility to start planning your business while you learn. Online learning is also considerably more affordable than in-person learning. 

Follow Your Passion

Switching careers to follow your passion can give you a more fulfilling career while paying the bills. Follow the above advice, and you’ll be open for business!

If anyone is interested in being a guest blogger on my website, please reach out to me at https://thkeyalifeinspiration.com/contact/.

Social Media Cleanse

I know it’s been a while since I wrote a blog post. I was running around getting ready to head to Miami and then it was time to leave for my trip. Now that I’m back it’s time to write another post. I went to Miami for the first time for five days, and I loved it. I had the best time, and I can’t wait until I go back again. I did something that I rarely do which is not to take pictures and then post them to social media. I lived in the moment for once and didn’t stop to post the photos every five minutes. It was a very liberating experience to live in the moment and not be so preoccupied with social media. It made me realize how much social media has impacted our lives. I guess to a degree we have allowed it. We sometimes feel the constant need to post images and tell every detail of our lives. We need to practice more of living in the moment. I enjoyed my Miami trip more because I wasn’t trying to gain likes or please my followers. I did something healthy which is to experience the moment, as it was occurring.


Living in the moment allowed me to have more freedom and experience my trip a lot more. I would post here and there but nothing how I would typically. Life was so simple before social media as people were present and lived in the moment. In the days before social media people would communicate with their company more instead of being on the phone. I believe it is insulting to be on your phone while in the company of others. It signals that not only are you uninterested in the folks around you but that whatever you are doing on your device is more interesting. However, putting your device down and taking in life as its happening is such an invigorating experience. You don’t get those moments back, so it’s important to be present in that given moment.


I think taking time away from social media is essential especially if you see you are getting too caught up in it. One must remember that social media is a form of entertainment, but it’s not real life. It is a way for you to connect with others from different parts of the country and the world. However, it can’t replace living your life. There is much to see and do out in this beautiful thing called life. Please don’t allow social media to take away from that and make you forget what is significant. I would recommend that everyone at some point goes on a social media cleanse. It will allow you time away to focus on the real world and not the fake. A bonus is communicating with the people around you. With social media, people forgot how to speak when they have people in front of them. Purging from social media gives you time back with loved ones and the world around you. I’m not saying stay entirely away from social media but don’t forget to live your life to the fullest while using it.


Until next time,

Thkeya Life (1)